Pakistani forces seize 100 tons of bomb-making chemicals

By Korea Herald
Published : Aug. 21, 2013 - 20:59

Pakistani paramilitary soldiers display seized bomb-making material in southwestern Pakistan’s Quetta on Tuesday. (Xinhua-Yonhap News)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) ― Paramilitary forces Tuesday seized more than 100 tons of bomb-making chemicals from a truck and a compound in southwest Pakistan and detained 10 suspects, officials said.

They also found wires, detonators and mixers to turn the chemicals into bombs, paramilitary Colonel Maqbool Ahmed said.

“We have arrested 10 people during the raid at the compound and the truck and seized 100.5 tons of explosive material with detonators,” Ahmed said.

Suspects told investigators that potassium chlorate and ammonium chlorate were packed with wires and detonators into vehicles at the compound, he said.

Baluchistan province, of which Quetta is the capital, is frequently hit by bomb attacks.

The oil and gas-rich area borders Iran and Afghanistan and suffers from sectarian violence, attacks by Taliban militants and a tribal insurgency.

Baluch rebels rose up in 2004, demanding political autonomy and a greater share of profits from the region’s mineral resources.

Baluchistan has also been a flashpoint for violence between majority Sunnis and Shiites, who make up around 20 percent of the population.


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