The ultimate Porsche experience

By Korea Herald
Published : July 28, 2013 - 20:24



Fuel economy

Cost and A/S

If there ever was a car to die for, it might be a Porsche.

Not just any Porsche but the 911 Carrera S, which is easily anyone’s dream car for two (the back seats are off limits in Korea).

I won’t go into the stares I received while driving around in this stunning yellow vehicle as I’m having a hard enough time as it is trying to be objective about the Porsche experience.

I won’t dwell too much on how it looks, because we all know the Carrera is a looker. The 911 always has been, and always will be. 

911 Carrera S

In its seventh-generation lineup, it became even more aerodynamic and the rear-mounted engine and tires got bigger to make its iconic silhouette even longer. In terms of weight, it shed 45 kilograms thanks to an aluminum-laced body. The flat-six engine transmits up to 400 horsepower and 44.9 kilogram-meters of torque.

But all this aside, the bottom line for me was the sheer driving enjoyment the Carrera S delivered.

The excitement started with the ignition when the engine comes to life, culminating in the distinct roar that’s unique to Porsche. I actually fiddled with the key ― a vintage feature I prefer over the engine button in most cars today ― about a dozen times (my apologies to Stuttgart Sports Cars and my neighbors) just to hear this sound.

Step on the gas and the accelleration is anyone’s game. But you have to push hard, for the Porsche is all about controlled speed. Your back may ache for a while, and for women, I strongly recommend driving barefooted.

Once you get the hang of it, open up the boosters and off she goes. The distinction between ordinary driving, Sport and Sport Plus is more marked than any car I’ve driven, with throttle response accelerating at the push of a button.

It’s when you’re going high-speed that the Carrera lives up to its reputation. Even when at 150 kph or even faster, there’s no budging this car.

Steering is equally confident owing to the rear-wheel system, but one thing to remember is to refrain from cutting the gas too much for a smoother turn.

The interior was filled with exquisite furnishings, and the auburn leather screamed excitement and well, money ― the 911 Carrera S has a hefty price tag of 139 million won ($124,000).

One downside or upside, depending on how you look at it, was that tech was pretty much absent in this vintage car, void of futuristic features such as lane-keeping or automatically shifting side mirrors.

On the other hand, it was one of the easiest cars to get to know in terms of gadgets because there are few. All you have to concentrate on is the driving.

By Kim Ji-hyun  (jemmie@heraldcorp.com)


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