미국에서 30년 경력의 한 펀드 매니저가 기존의 방식과 다른 연봉협상법을 공개해서 화제가 되고 있다.
메이플 증권 퀀티티브 트레이딩 그룹의 매니저인 브룩 엘런은 최근 경제뉴스 사이트 Qz.com에 올린 컬럼을 통해 “최고의 협상방법은 가장 많은 것을 제시하고 가장 적은 것을 요구하는 것”이라고 밝혔다.
앨런은 자신이 20여년 전에 한 회사에서 일할 때 보너스가 보장되는 옵션을 받고 계약했는데, 입사 직후 부서가 해체되었다고 회고했다. 그는 보장된 보너스 금액을 받았지만 이로 인해 매우 불편했다고 전했다.
‘Best way to negotiate for high salary: ask for nothing’
The best way to negotiate your contract is to “offer the most and ask for the least,” a U.S. business guru has advised.
Brooke Allen, a 30-year veteran trader and fund manager, explained how he was able to get the best deal possible by asking for a salary of $0.
In an article he wrote for business news outlet Qz.com, Allen said that typical negotiating technique involved two sides demanding something “unreasonable” and then coming to a compromise. He said that when he negotiated his salary contract 17 years ago, he attempted a new way.
Allen said that instead of requesting a high sum of money, he wrote down the least amount of money he was willing to work for and asked his employer to write down the most they would offer a perfect person, regardless or not if he was that person.
“I explained that my goal is to live a debt-free life, and therefore I wanted to give value before receiving compensation,” he said.
According to Allen, the amount of money he was offered was “twice the best base pay I had ever received in past jobs,” while he had asked for $0.
When Allen’s lawyer saw his new contract, he told Allen not to change a single word because it offered “the best terms he had ever seen.”
The trader said that when you care about other people first, they have no choice but to care back.
“If you each offer more than the other would accept, and you honestly admit your imperfections, then you will come to an agreement,” he said.
From news reports