이효리, 3년만에 컴백

By KH디지털3
Published : April 9, 2013 - 18:19

이효리  (B2M Entertainment)>

가수와 패션의 아이콘, 그리고 동물 보호 운동가로까지 활동하는 이효리가 3년간의 긴 공백을 깨고 다섯 번째 앨범을 발매한다. 아직 공식명칭이 정해지지 않은 이 앨범은 오는 5월 중순쯤 공개될 예정이며 타이틀곡은 댄스곡이 유력하다고 알려졌다.

마지막 앨범이었던 4집 “H-Logic”이 2010년 4월 발매된 직후 14개 곡 중 7개의 곡을 쓴 작곡가 바누스가 표절논란에 휩싸이면서 이효리의 가수활동을 전면 중지시켰다.

항간에 알려진 앨범 발매 후의 단독 콘서트에 대해서 이효리의 소속사 B2M 엔터테이먼트는 아직 결정된바 없다고 말했다. 만약 열린다면, 2008년 이후 첫 단독 콘서트가 될 전망이다.

어느덧 33살이 된 이효리는 연예인으로서 알려졌을 뿐만 아니라 적극적인 동물 보호 운동가로도 유명하다. 동물 보호소에서 봉사활동을 하는 모습은 여러 차례 주목을 받았으며, 작년에는 입양한 유기견이었던 순심이와 함께한 사진들로 “이효리 달력”을 만들어 더 많은 사람들이 유기견을 입양하도록 권장하고 모든 수익을 동물 보호 단체에 기부한 것으로 알려졌다. 

(코리아 헤럴드/번역 서혜림)

Lee Hyori to make singing comeback after three years

By Julie Jackson

Singer, fashion icon and animal rights activist Lee Hyori will be releasing her fifth studio album after a three-year hiatus from the music scene. The yet-to-be-titled album is scheduled to be unveiled sometime in mid-May and the lead track of the upcoming release has been reported to be a dance track.

Lee’s fifth album will be her first since “H-Logic,” which was riddled with controversy due to plagiarism accusations that prevented her from fully promoting the release. The album was released in April 2010 and shortly thereafter, local producer Bahnus, who wrote seven songs for the 14-track album, was indicted for plagiarism, forcing Lee to suspend her activities as a singer.

Representatives from Lee’s agency B2M Entertainment stated in news reports that there had been talk of the solo artist holding a concert after the release of her new album but no plans had been confirmed as of yet. Should the artist hold a concert, it would be her first solo concert performance since 2008.

The 33-year-old artist is well known not only as an entertainer, but as a passionate animal rights activist as well. Lee’s volunteer work at animal shelters has been in the public spotlight on numerous occasions. Last year, she created the “Lee Hyori Calendar,” a charity calendar featuring photos of herself and her adopted pet dog Soonshim. Lee released the calendar to encourage people to adopt abandoned animals and 100 percent of the proceeds were reported to have been donated to animal rights groups.



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