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▲ 고혈압 위험 감소: 걷기 7.2%, 달리기 4.2%
▲ 고지혈증 위험 감소: 걷기 7%, 달리기 4.3%
▲ 당뇨병 위험 감소: 걷기 12.3%, 달리기 12.1%
▲ 심장병 위험 감소: 걷기 9.3%, 달리기 4.5%
조사 대상자의 연령층은 18세에서 80세로 40~50대가 대부분이었다. 걷기와 달리기의 남녀 비율은 남성의 경우 걷기가 21%, 달리기가 51.4%였다.
이 결과는 강도가 덜한 운동인 걷기와 강도가 높은 운동인 달리기에 사용된 에너지의 양이 같으면 고혈압, 고지혈증, 당뇨병 위험도 비슷하게 감소한다는 사실을 보여주는 것이라고 윌리엄슨 박사는 설명했다.
이 연구결과는 미국심장학회 학술지 ‘동맥경화, 혈전과 혈관생물학’(Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology) 온라인판(4월4일 자)에 실렸다. (연합뉴스)
Walking lowers risk of heart disease as much as running
Researchers in the U.S. have claimed that brisk walking may reduce the risk of developing heart-related diseases as much as running.
Paul T. Williams, Ph.D., the study’s principal author and staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, compared 15,045 participants of NWHS (National Walkers’ Health Study) with 33,060 of those who participated in NRHS (National Runners‘ Health Study) over the last six years.
The result showed that if the amounts of energy they have burned by walking and running were similar, the effects on their health that the two different types of exercise can have were almost the same.
He said that the recent finding was meaningful in that it could cause many people to begin exercising.
Lee Ah-ran, Intern Reporter