‘Next two iPhones designed by Steve Jobs’

By Korea Herald
Published : April 3, 2013 - 16:24
The next two generations of iPhone may have been already designed by the late Steve Jobs, U.S. media reported.

The rumor surfaced from a conversation on the safeguarding mechanism for mobile handsets between Apple’s government liaison Michael Foulkes and San Francisco district attorney George Gascon. Foulkes reportedly said the tech giant has a few options for the next two generations of iPhone because they had been already planned under Jobs, according to Fox News.

The talk came as Gascon was conducting an interview with mobile handset makers and wireless service providers in Silicon Valley about the spiraling rise in phone thefts.

Previously, Gascon expressed disappointment in the mobile industry for failing to address the security issues, including the development of a “kill switch” for stolen handsets.

Along with the new iPhone, Apple is developing the so-called “iWatch,” a wearable device that functions similarly to smartphones. It is expected to be released within this year, according to Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White.

By Park Sui, Intern reporter (suipark@heraldcorp.com)


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