Reptiles, amphibians can make kids sick

By Korea Herald
Published : Feb. 27, 2013 - 15:49

This photo is not directly related to the story. (The Korea Herald)

The right animal can be fun and educational in a childcare center but the wrong animal can make kids sick, a U.S. health official warned.

Dr. Neil Vora, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, said examples of risky pets include reptiles such as turtles, lizards and snakes, as well as amphibians such as frogs and salamanders -- all commonly carry salmonella.

“Children younger than age 5 are at particularly high risk for serious illness with salmonella,” Vora said. “This is why it‘s particularly important that pets or animals carrying salmonella are not kept in day care centers.”

Vora says small pet turtles are still sold in some places despite federal rules banning such sales.

Nearly 1.4 million human cases of sickness from salmonella and 600 associated deaths are reported each year, the CDC said. Reptile and amphibian exposures might cause more than 70,000 of these cases annually.

The findings were published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases. (UPI)

애완동물이 아이 건강을 위협한다?!

미국 애틀란타(Atlanta)의 질병관리예방센터 전염병리학자 네일 보라(Neil Vora) 박사는 몇몇 파충류나 양서류가 살모넬라(salmonella)균을 옮길 수 있다고 전했다. 거북이, 도마뱀 등이 이에 해당한다.

"5세 미만 아이들은 살모넬라균 노출 고위험군에 있습니다."

보라 박사는 연방법을 어기고 애완 거북이가 판매되는 경우가 있다고 꼬집었다. 매년 살모넬라균에 감얌된 사람은 140만명, 사망에 이르는 사람이 600명인 것으로 알려져있다. 7만명이 파충류 혹은 양서류와의 접촉으로 살모넬라균에 옮는 것으로 추정된다. (코리아헤럴드)


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