‘Apple missed shared growth’

By Korea Herald
Published : Feb. 22, 2013 - 20:43
Yoo Jang-hee, chief of the National Commission for Corporate Partnership, on Friday accused Apple Inc. of overlooking the need for shared growth with other companies.

“Apple has been going through hardship lately because it neglected the importance of shared growth,” Yoo said in a seminar of CEOs hosted by the Korea Employers Federation.

Dividing corporate activities into those powered by “tangible motives” such as profit and outcome, and “intangible motives” including social values and humanity, the former professor said Apple “failed to win the world’s sympathy in intangible terms such as humanity or compassion.”

Yoo Jang-hee

“Apple was on a roll once with its top priority on outcome, its tangible motive,” he said.

“The company has been losing a series of lawsuits lately, and this means the people of the world know that Apple is missing out on important values.”

The head of the state-funded panel committed to promoting mutual growth between small and large businesses said that compared to Apple, Korean firms were complying well with the demand of the times for better corporate partnership.

“The commission was also nervous as we recently announced more trades deemed suitable for only SMEs, because we knew large companies were against it,” Yoo said.

“But gladly, large businesses are cooperating well.”

The commission recently advised large companies not to enter the bakery or restaurant businesses, and existing bakery and restaurant chains to keep from opening too many new stores as it designated them as “SMEs-only” trades.

Mentioning a case in which trade associations of franchised confectioneries and restaurants nearly filed a lawsuit against the panel but finally decided to follow its advice, Yoo said the entire staff of the commission cheered at the news.

“I felt that the corporate culture of large companies in Korea has matured to a level that voluntarily respects the demands of society,” Yoo said.

“I am optimistic that the Korean society’s unique efforts for shared growth would bring about positive results.”

By Kim So-hyun (sophie@heraldcorp.com)


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