Moon water complicates formation theory

By Korea Herald
Published : Feb. 19, 2013 - 11:07

Called the "Genesis Rock," this lunar sample collected during the Apollo 15 mission was thought to be a piece of the moon`s primordial crust. A University of Michigan researcher and his colleagues report that traces of water were found in the rock. Credit: NASA/Johnson Space Center. (UPI)

The interior of the moon contained water early in its history, suggesting the formation theories of the moon may have to be re-thought, U.S. researchers say.

University of Michigan researchers and colleagues found tiny amounts of water in mineral grains from samples from the lunar highlands obtained during the Apollo missions.

The lunar highlands are thought to represent the original crust that crystallized from a mostly molten early moon, suggesting the lunar interior contained water during this molten stage before the crust solidified, a university release said Monday.

That‘s difficult to reconcile with the theory that the moon formed from the debris generated during a giant impact with the proto-Earth and any water in lunar rocks was added after its formation by smaller meteorite impacts or solar wind.

“Because these are some of the oldest rocks from the moon, the water is inferred to have been in the moon when it formed,” UM researcher Youxue Zhang said. “That is somewhat difficult to explain with the current popular moon-formation model, in which the moon formed by collecting the hot ejecta as the result of a super-giant impact of a martian-size body with the proto-Earth.

”Under that model, the hot ejecta should have been degassed almost completely, eliminating all water.“

The new findings, however, indicate the early moon was wet and that water there was not substantially lost during the moon’s formation, the researchers said. (UPI)

달에도 생명체 존재 가능해?!

달의 내부에 이전에는 물이 존재했다는 미국 연구진의 추측이 나왔다.

미시간대학교(University of Michigan) 연구진은 달의 산악지대에서 소량의 물이 포함된 미네랄 성분을 발견했다고 전했다. 달의 산악지대는 달이 생성되던 때 내부 물질이 모두 굳기 전의 모습을 볼 수 있는 곳이다.

달의 생성에 대한 기존 이론에 따르면 달의 암석은 혜성과의 충돌로 인한 것이었다.

"이 암석조각이 달에서 가장 오래된 암석이기 때문에, 달이 생성될 당시 달에 물이 존재했던 것으로 추측할 수 있습니다."라고 미시간대학교 연구팀의 요우쉐 장(Youxue Zhang)이 말했다. "기존 이론으로는 설명이 힘들지요. 달의 생성 당시 혜성과 충돌이 있었으면, 고온으로 인해 물은 모두 사라졌을 겁니다."

이번 발견은 달의 생성 당시 물이 있었고, 사라지지도 않았다는 것을 보여준다고 연구진이 전했다. (코리아헤럴드)


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