Guppies use ugly friends to seem more attractive

By Korea Herald
Published : Feb. 14, 2013 - 16:02


When it comes to mating, guppies treasure their ugly friends - because they look so good by comparison.

An article published Wednesday by Britain‘s Royal Society says that male guppies prefer to associate with their drab-colored counterparts when females are around.

"Males actively choose the social context that maximizes their relative attractiveness," the article said. Or, as lead author Clelia Gasparini put it, "If you are surrounded by ugly friends, you look better."

Gasparini and her colleagues at Italy’s University of Padua built their theory on a kind of guppy dating game. An aquarium was set up with one female in partition on either end. Guppy bachelorette No. 1 had two attractive, brightly-colored males placed on either side of her. Guppy bachelorette No. 2 was stuck with uglier, drab-colored fish.

When a male guppy was put in the middle of the tank, and given the choice of which female to sidle up to, Bachelorette No. 2 was the more popular pick, with male guppies spending about 62 percent of their time hanging around her side of the aquarium.

What‘s more, the researchers found that the time guppies spent with bachelorette No. 2 correlated with their unattractiveness. The uglier the guppy, the less likely it was that he would hang around the brightly colored fish placed next to bachelorette No. 1.

Because it could be argued that that guppies avoided their brightly colored pals because attractive fish were more aggressive, or because predators were more likely to spot them, the experiment was repeated. Researchers ran it without any females, and again with the lights in the male enclosures turned down so that the test guppies couldn’t see them. (AP)

수컷들, 못생긴 친구 선호하는 이유?

송사리의 일종인 거피(Guppy)가 짝짓기 때가 되면 못생긴 무리와 몰려 다닌다는 이탈리아의 연구결과가 나왔다. 자신의 외모를 상대적으로 돋보이게 하기 위함이다.

파도바대학교(University of Padua) 연구팀은 수족관 양 끝에 짝이 없는 거피 암컷을 한 마리씩 놓았다. 첫 번째 암컷 거피 양 옆에는 밝은 색의 수컷 거피 두 마리를 두고, 두 번째 암컷 거피 양 옆에는 어두운 색의 수컷 거피 두 마리를 놓았다. 그 상태에서 또다른 수컷 거피가 수족관에 들어갔을 때 대부분의 수컷 거피들은 어두운 색의 수컷 거피에 둘러 쌓여 있는 두 번째 암컷 거피에게로 가는 것으로 드러났다.

밝은 색의 거피가 어두운 색의 거피보다 더욱 상대 이성에게 더욱 매력이 있다.

못생긴 수컷 거피일수록 밝은 색의 수컷 거피들 사이에 있는 것을 꺼린다고 연구진이 전했다.

연구진은 거피가 어두운 색의 무리를 선호하는 이유가 적의 눈에 띄지 않기 위한 것일 수 있다고 판단해 암컷 거피 없이 실험을 진행했다. 연구 대표인 가스파리니(Gasparini)는 수컷 거피의 행동이 짝짓기 때문이라는 것이 확실하다고 발표했다. (코리아헤럴드)


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