Pantech unveils 5.9-inch full HD smartphone

By Korea Herald
Published : Jan. 28, 2013 - 14:32

Pantech Corp.`s 5.9-inch full HD smartphone, "Vega No.6." (Yonhap News/Pantech)

South Korean handset maker Pantech Corp. on Monday unveiled its 5.9-inch full HD display “Vega No. 6” in a move to jump-start demand for smartphones with bigger and more vivid screens.

The Vega No. 6 runs on the latest Android Jelly Bean platform and features a natural IPS Pro Full HD liquid-crystal display, which is the biggest full HD display packed on locally-released smartphones, according to Pantech.

The company said the display enables a screen quality that is 2.3 times sharper than existing HD displays, adding the 5.9-inch size is optimized for users to enjoy full HD quality.

“Last year, long-term evolution (LTE) and quad-core were the keywords for competition. We thought the next trend would full HD displays,” company vice president Lee Jun-woo told reporters.

Pantech said the Vega No. 6 packs a 13 megapixel camera and a “V touch” feature that allows users to access various features by controlling a touch panel located on the back of the device.

The handset maker plans to roll out the phone via the country‘s three major mobile operators starting next month. It did not announce a schedule for overseas release.

“We sold roughly 800,000-900,000 units of the Vega R3. For the Vega No. 6, we plan to sell more than that,” Lee said, referring to the company’s flagship LTE phone that was launched last year.

The Vega No. 6 launch comes as handset makers are ramping up competition with phablets, a hybrid between smartphones and tablet computers.

Top smartphone maker Samsung Electronics Co. has introduced the 5.5-inch Galaxy Note 2, while LG Electronics Inc. has rolled out the 5-inch Optimus Vu.

Earlier this month, LG also announced plans to launch the Optimus G Pro, a follow-up model to its flagship Optimus G phone.

The smartphone, which is likely to be launched locally in the first quarter, is set to pack a 5.5-inch full HD display. (Yonhap News)

국내 최초 풀HD ‘베가 넘버6’ 성능은?

휴대폰 제조사 팬텍이 5.9인치 풀HD 디스플레이를 장착한 신형 스마트폰 ‘베가 넘버6 (모델명 IM-A860)’를 공개했다.

‘베가 넘버6’는 구글의 젤리빈 안드로이드OS를 기반으로 했으며 색감이 자연스러운 ‘내추럴IPS프로’ 5.9인치 액정디스플레이를 장착해 지금까지 국내 출시된 스마트폰 가운데 가장 큰 화면을 자랑한다고 팬텍은 밝혔다.

팬텍은 베가 넘버6의 신형 디스플레이가 기존 HD디스플레이보다 2.3배 더 선명하며 풀HD 화면에 최적화 되어 있다고 설명했다.

이준우 팬텍 부사장은 기자회견에서 “작년 스마트폰 시장 핵심 키워드가 LTE(롱텀에볼루션)과 쿼드코어 애플리케이션 프로세서였다면, 차기 트렌드는 풀HD 디스플레이가 될 것이라고 생각했다.”고 밝혔다.

팬텍에 따르면 베가 넘버6가 1,300만 화소 카메라와 더불어 기기 후면에 장착된 터치패널을 이용해 편리하게 다양한 기능을 조작할 수 있는 ‘V터치’ 기능도 탑재하고 있다.

베가 넘버6는 다음달부터 국내 이동통신 3사를 통해 출시될 예정이며 정확한 해외 출시 일정은 발표되지 않았다. (코리아헤럴드)


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