Catholic brother accused of sex crimes flees: report

By Korea Herald
Published : Nov. 26, 2012 - 13:51

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A former Catholic brother wanted in Australia on more than 250 child sex charges was reported Monday to have fled New Zealand for Sri Lanka before his extradition could be secured.

Bernard McGrath is facing 252 child sex charges in Australia relating to his time in church-run institutions in the 1970s and 1980s and was due to be extradited from New Zealand earlier this year.

But McGrath‘s brother Clem told Australia’s Fairfax newspapers he had flown out of Christchurch several months ago after being contacted by a friend who said: “Why don‘t you come to Sri Lanka? You’ve got nothing here.”

According to Fairfax, McGrath was now living on a tea plantation in the Sri Lankan highlands.

He was paroled in New Zealand in 2008 after serving jail time for child sex offences at a Christchurch school in the 1970s -- his second stint in prison for such crimes.

Australian police told AFP they would “not comment in relation to this investigation as speculation may jeopardize current lines of inquiry” and refused to confirm “who we are or are not investigating.”

New Zealand police said they were also unable to comment.

Australia‘s Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare, who is responsible for extraditions, did not immediately respond to questions on the case.

Australia this month announced it would hold a sweeping royal commission into claims of child sex abuse within religious organizations, not-for-profit bodies, state agencies and schools -- an inquiry expected to take years. (AFP)

어린이들을 수백번 성폭행한 사제 도주!

호주에서 250여 이상의 아동에 성폭력을 일삼은 혐의로 기소된 호주의 한 전직 카톨릭 사제가 지난 월요일 머무르고 있던 뉴질랜드에서 본국 송환령이 발효되기에 한발 앞서 스리랑카로 도주한 사실이 확인됐다.

버나드 맥그래스는 호주에서 카톨릭 교회가 운영하는 한 기관들에서 지난 1970년대와 1980년대에 걸쳐 모두 252명의 아동들에게 성폭력을 일삼은 혐의를 받고 뉴질랜드에서 본국인 호주로 올해 초 송환될 예정이었다.

그러나 맥그래스와 형제관계인 클렘은 맥그래스가 친구로부터 연락을 받은 후 스리랑카로 떠났다고 현지 언론 페어팩스(Fairfax)에 제보했다.

페어펙스에 따르면 맥그래스는 현재 스리랑카의 한 차(茶) 플랜테이션에 살고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

맥그래스는 지난 2008년 뉴질랜드의 크리스찬 학교에서 아동 성폭력을 일삼은 혐의로 수감생활을 하다 가석방된 바 있다.

호주와 뉴질랜드 경찰당국은 AFP에 “현재 진행중인 수사를 악화시킬 가능성이 있어 정보를 공개할 수 없다”고 밝혔다. (코리아헤럴드)


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