How to escape being face-down beneath an opponent

By Korea Herald
Published : Nov. 21, 2012 - 19:57

There is a chance an opponent will attack you while you are vulnerably facing down on the ground. Whether you lost your balance while getting away or tripped over and fell, having someone putting their full weight on you is a tight spot to begin with as shown in the first picture below.

The following self-defense technique will help you get out of this tight situation.

1 Fold your arms, as shown in Picture 1b, to protect the side and back of your head from attacks from the opponent.

2 Bring your knees and elbows together to curve your back upwards in an arch. Move swiftly to lift your opponent off the ground, making the opponent lose balance.

3 Then move your body roughly sideways in order to shake the opponent off. Remember that this all needs to be done quickly and with force. You can then roll away from the opponent in this tight position.

Before the opponent realizes what has happened, get away from the scene as quickly as possible.

As mentioned earlier, it is important to have enough strength to curl your body up and shake off the opponent, so make sure to keep in shape to always be prepared to defend yourself.

Start practicing with a partner lighter than you and then gradually work up the weight.

Seo Gyo-sun

By Seo Gyo-sun (selfdefense777@gmail.com)

Seo Gyo-sun, an internationally certified Taekwondo Grand Master, judge and coach, holds a B.A. in taekwondo from Kyung Hee University. ― Ed.


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