Ban speaks on Syria in Arirang interview

By Korea Herald
Published : Oct. 31, 2012 - 19:50
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was recently interviewed by Arirang TV president Sohn Jie-ae about the violation of the U.N.-backed cease-fire in Syria.

In a one-on-one interview at the Shilla Seoul on Tuesday, Ban discussed his strong disapproval of using military force in dealing with the human rights crisis in Syria. 

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (right) and Arirang TV President Sohn Jie-ae tape an interview at the Shilla Seoul on Tuesday. (Yonhap News)

“I am appalled and outraged by the fact that the recent call for a cease-fire has been ignored and violated by both sides. There is no military solution. I condemn both the Syrian government and the opposition forces,” said Ban during the interview.

“I need the support in the name of humanity. We cannot go this way,” he said. “The Syrian people have suffered far too long, far too much.”

The exclusive interview is to be aired this month on Arirang TV in a special 20-minute program with the working title, “Special Interview ― Hearing From a Global Leader.”

By Julie Jackson (juliejackson@heraldcorp.com)


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