Malay couple under fire for ‘absurd’ blogging

By 윤민식
Published : Oct. 30, 2012 - 15:07

Bloggers Vivian Lee (left) and Alvin Tan are being interviewed by the Star Media Group in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (The Star)

They have become outrageously famous in a week but the consequences of having a scandalous blog are starting to set in for Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee.

Lee, 23, may be kicked out of her family home after “Sumptuous Erotica”, the blog she shared with Tan, 24, made the headlines in several newspapers here and in Singapore.

“My mother gave me an ultimatum marry him or move out within a month,” she said, adding that she was “a little scared” about the prospect.

She had just graduated with a marketing degree from Multimedia University and is living in Johor Baru with her mother and elder brother.

Tan has been spending leave of absence from the National University of Singapore (NUS) by being with his parents here in his rented apartment in Kuala Lumpur. This leave is unrelated to the blog.

Lee said with the slim probability of marrying Tan, as both considered themselves young and not committed to each other monogamously, she might just end up moving in with him.

“I think she can depend on me. I think I can provide financially,” said Tan during a lengthy interview with the Star Media Group here yesterday.

As for Tan, an Asean scholar reading law, he faces possible expulsion from NUS besides having his expensive scholarship revoked after his and Lee's postings hogged the headlines in the republic.

But he said he did not see it as a “big thing” if the university sacked him and instead, appears to have set his sights on gaining more infamy.

Both Tan and Lee want to break into show business and did not rule out the possibility of becoming actors.

They also revealed that sharing the intimate photos and videos on the Internet were “a mutual idea”. It was Lee who coaxed Tan into capturing the nude clips of each other.

“We started taking the nude shots the second time we met up,” said Tan. “We were fooling around in a hotel in Penang while on holiday and she was totally naked.

“She asked me if I wanted to take her picture and I was game for it,” said Tan, who said he had not gone as far in experimentation with his past girlfriends.

“Most are cowards. OK, I take that back. They are unadventurous,” he said, adding that calling oneself “adventurous” was self-serving.

“Doing things like bungee-jumping or skydiving is pretty standard stuff,” he said. “I want to hang out with people who have done things that are unprecedented.” (The Star/ANN)

인터넷에 노출 영상 올린 막장 커플, 논란!

말레이시아에서 인터넷 블로그를 통해 자신들의 사생활을 공개한 커플을 두고 비난의 목소리가 높다.

말레이시아 스타지가 지난주, “Sumptuous (호화로운) Erotica”이라는 블로그를 운영하며 자신들의 개인적인 사생활을 인터넷에 올린 알빈 탠 (24)과 비비안 리(23) 커플에 대해 보도했다.

탠과 리는 블로그에 자신들의 노출 사진과 영상들을 올렸는데, 이 사건은 말레이시아와 싱가포르의 여러 신문에 크게 소개되며 이슈가 되었다. 이로 인해 두 사람에 대한 ‘무책임하다’며 비난의 목소리가 일고 있다.

리는 자신의 어머니가 “탠과 결혼하든지 아니면 한달 내에 집에서 나가라고 최종통보를 했다”는데 이에 대해 “약간 무섭다”라고 말했다. 그녀는 얼마 전 멀티미디어 대학에서 마케팅 관련 학위를 받고 졸업했으나 오빠와 어머니와 함께 살고 있다.

탠은 현재 싱가포르 국립대학을 휴학하고 말레이시아에서 부모님과 살고 있는데, 블로그 사건으로 인해 대학에서 퇴학당하고 장학금조차 박탈당할 위기에 처했다고 한다.

리와 탠은 자신들이 아직 어리기 때문에 결혼할 생각이 없지만 동거할 가능성은 있다고 밝혔다. 탠은 스타지와의 인터뷰에서 “재정적으로 리를 책임질 수 있다”라고 주장했다.

탠은 퇴학 위험에 대해서도 “별로 큰일은 아니다”라고 대수롭지 않게 넘겼는데, 이 커플은 앞으로 연예계로 뛰어들고 싶으며 배우가 될 수도 있다고 말했다.

한편 사진과 영상들을 인터넷에 올리자고 한 제의한 것은 탠이었는데, 그는 과거의 애인들과는 이렇게까지 한 적이 없다고 덧붙였다.

“대부분의 사람들은 겁쟁이들이에요. 아니, 그건 취소하죠. 모험심이 없어요”라고 탠은 말했다. “번지점프나 스카이다이빙은 평범한 것들이죠. 저는 전례가 없는 일을 하는 사람들과 어울리고 싶어요” (코리아헤럴드)


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