Park seeks to shake off ties to foundation

By Korea Herald
Published : Oct. 21, 2012 - 20:17
Saenuri Party presidential candidate Park Geun-hye reaffirmed her position that she had no connection to the Jeongsu Scholarship Foundation, and called on its management to provide the answers.

“I think that Jeongsu Scholarship Foundation should provide the answers. The chairman and the board should reveal (information), answer the public and leave no trace of doubt in order to stop being used as a tool for political maneuvering.” Park said. She says that she has had no connection to the foundation since she stepped down as the chair of the board in 2005. She had held the post from 1995.

“It has been a long time since father planned to help underprivileged students, and since I stepped down as the chairwoman. I hope the board of directors considers the name, and everything in order to allow the foundation to be reborn as a public scholarship foundation.”

Jeongsu Scholarship Foundation was founded in 1962 by combining an existing foundation established by Busan-based businessman Kim Ji-tae with additional donations.

In 2007, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission found that the businessman was forced to donate the assets, which include shares of the broadcaster MBC and the provincial daily Busan Ilbo.

“There is a lot of misinformation about Jeongsu Scholarship Foundation. First it is a public organization that does not conduct any political activities,” Park said. She added that the foundation is closely regulated by the education authorities and no irregularities have been found. 

The ruling Saenuri Party’s presidential candidate Rep. Park Geun-hye speaks at a press conference at the party’s office building in Yeouido, Seoul, Sunday. (Lee Sang-sub/The Korea Herald)
“It was not established simply by changing the name of Kim Ji-tae’s Bu-il foundation. Assets donated by Kim are included, but it was newly established with donations from overseas Koreans.”

The explanations, however, did not appease the Democratic United Party, which has not ceased to attack the Saenuri candidate over the issue.

“This is tantamount to Park declaring an all-out war on the public when all the world knows the truth about Jeongsu Scholarship Foundation,” the DUP said in a statement.

The foundation became an issue of contention between the opposing parties earlier this month following reports that the foundation had planned to sell its shares in MBC and the newspaper.

While Park currently has no official ties to the foundation, the DUP has accused the foundation as being an institution run by the family and close associates of the late former President Park Chung-hee.

Choi Phil-ip, the current chairman under pressure to quit, served as a secretary in Cheong Wa Dae during the dictatorial regime of the elder Park.

Regarding the calls for Choi’s resignation, Park declined to clarify her position saying only that she hopes for the foundation to make a decision.

By Choi He-suk (cheesuk@heraldcorp.com)


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