Curiosity sends back flood of new views from Mars

By KH디지털뉴스부공용
Published : Aug. 9, 2012 - 09:46

Self portrait of NASA's Curiosity rover taken by its Navigation cameras, located on the now-upright mast (AFP-Yonhap News)

The edge of NASA's Curiosity rover, showing the shadow of the rover's now-upright mast in the center, and the arm's shadow at left (AP-Yonhap News)

The first two full-resolution image set of the Martian surface from the Navigation cameras on NASA's Curiosity rover, which are located on the rover's "head" or mast (UPI)

PASADENA, California _ NASA has received a flood of new black-and-white images from the Curiosity rover on Mars that it will stitch together to make a panorama.

The photos began pouring in Wednesday morning after the nuclear-powered rover raised its camera-equipped mast.

The raw images reveal the rover's shadow on the ground and the Martian horizon.

Curiosity has beamed home a steady stream of images since touching down Sunday, including the first color view from the landing site.

Better views are expected over the next several days, including a color panorama.

Curiosity is on a two-year mission to examine whether the ancient Martian environment ever had conditions favorable for microbial life. 


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