Gassy dinos may have warmed the Earth: study

By 윤민식
Published : May 8, 2012 - 09:37

Giant dinosaurs that roamed the Earth millions of years ago may have warmed the planet with the gas they produced from eating leafy plants, British scientists said on Monday.

(AFP-Yonhap News)

Much like modern cows that emit a significant amount of methane in their digestive process, the 20,000 kilogram sauropods contributed the same way, and likely more, to the warming climate, said the study in the US journal Current Biology.

The climate during the Mesozoic Era, which spanned 250 million years ago to about 65 million years ago, was believed to be hotter than it is today.

With bulky bodies and long necks that allowed sauropods like the Brontosaurus to graze on grasses or high in the treetops, these creatures were plentiful 150 million years ago, ranging from a few individuals to a few dozen per square kilometer.

In all they may have emitted a total of 520 million tons per year of global methane emissions, a level that is comparable to the total given off today by animals and industrial activities, the study authors said.

Currently 80 million metric tons of methane are produced annually by global livestock, making up about 28 percent of global methane emissions from human-related activities according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

"A simple mathematical model suggests that the microbes living in sauropod dinosaurs may have produced enough methane to have an important effect on the Mesozoic climate," said Dave Wilkinson of Liverpool John Moores University.

"Indeed, our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources -- both natural and man-made -- put together."

About 150 years ago, before modern industry took hold, methane emissions were about 200 Tg per year, less than half that of the Mesozoic Era. (AFP)


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이에 비해 산업화가 시작되기 전인 약 150년 전 전세계의 메탄가스 배출량은 연 간 2억t에 불과했다.

연구진은 이는 "지구의 메커니즘이가 얼마나 신기하고 놀라운 것인지 보여줄 뿐 아니라 지구 기후에 미생물과 메탄이 얼마나 중요한 역할을 하는지 상기시켜주는 것 "이라고 강조했다.

학자들은 그러나 공룡들이 이처럼 엄청난 양의 메탄가스를 방출했음에도 불구하고 이들의 방귀와 트림이 당시 온난화의 유일한 원인은 아니었을 것이라고 지적했다.

이들은 "중생대에는 그밖에도 다른 메탄 배출원들이 있었으므로 전체적인 메탄 농도는 오늘날보다 훨씬 높았을 것"이라고 말했다.


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