Unclear if Japan mergers help or harm Samsung

By Korea Herald
Published : Feb. 8, 2012 - 16:07

Questions are being raised as to how the possible merger of Japanese technology companies would impact the sales and operations of tech giant Samsung Electronics.

On Wednesday, media outlets in Tokyo reported that three of Japan’s biggest electronics companies ― Panasonic, Renesas Electronics and Fujitsu ― are in talks to form a chip-making venture as they seek economies of scale in the competitive marketplace.

The move comes as the firms’ system large-scale integration chip (System LSI) operations are going through tough times amid fierce global competition.

In a related move, Suwon-based Samsung Electronics pledged earlier this year to inject greater sums in the non-memory System LSI sector and nurture it as one of the company’s future growth engines.

System LSI includes central processing units, mobile CPUs, contact image sensors and digital signal processors.

Employees work in a clean room on the production line for 300mm wafers at Renesas Electronics Corp.’s Naka plant in Hitachinaka city, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan. (Bloomberg)

According to 2011 data estimates of market research firm iSuppli, Renesas Electronics ranked No. 3 in the global System LSI industry with 4.5 percent market share last year, followed closely by Samsung which recorded fourth place with 3.9 percent.

With Intel being the dominant player with 23.2 percent market share in 2011, Fujitsu Semiconductor ranked 18th with 1.3 percent in market share and Panasonic came in 20th with 1.1 during the same period, it said.

“The merger is yet to be confirmed, however, we’re aware that Renesas is above our ranking in the non-memory sector. Whatever the plans are, we will still go our own way as we’re pushing plans to pursue growth in that particular business with bigger investments,” said a Samsung official.

But another industry source said that the merger would likely have an impact in the non-memory sector because the industry is likely to ultimately concentrate on wireless devices although the scope varies at this point.

“Considering that the industry is largely headed for mobile, there will ultimately be a business focus for the international electronics firms in that field,” the source said.

News reports also said the new joint venture, created by the three Japanese firms, would develop system chips for smartphones and automobiles among other products, staging a fight with Samsung and Intel.

Earlier, Panasonic said it expected to post its worst-ever net loss of 780 billion yen this fiscal year, while Renesas forecasts a 57 billion yen hole in its balance sheet. Fujitsu also projects its net profit to go down as much as 36.5 percent on year.

In the memory sector, Japan’s Elpida, which has about a 12 percent share in the dynamic random access memory market, has cut production from early December and also posted a wider-than-expected 43.8 billion yen operating loss for the final quarter of last year. The firm is reportedly seeking a rescue deal with U.S.-based Micron and Taiwanese firm Nanya Technology.

By Cho Ji-hyun (sharon@heraldcorp.com)

일본 반도체 3사 통합..삼성에 기회 혹은 위기?

일본의 르네사스 테크놀로지 등 반도체 3사가 주력사업인 시스템 LSI 사업을 통합하는 협상에 들어갔다고 알려진 가운데 이 통합 과정이 삼성전자에게 어떤 영향을 끼칠 지 주목되고 있다.

8일 니혼게이자이신문 등 일본 매체에 따르면 르네사스 테크놀로지, 후지쓰, 파나소닉은 가전제품과 자동차와 휴대전화 등에 사용되는 핵심 반도체 사업인 시스템 LSI의 설계-개발 부문을 분리해 관민펀드인 산업력신기구의 출자를 받아 반도체 설계 전문 회사를 설립할 방침이라고 보도했다.

이로써 글로벌 경기 침체 속에서 일본 반도체 업계의 구조조정이 최종국면에 접어든 것이다.

이에 대해 한 업계 관계자는 “비메모리 분야도 결국 모바일 쪽으로 초점이 맞춰질 것이기 때문에 어떠한 식으로는 타격이 있을 것”이라고 했다.

삼성전자는 올해 비메모리 시스템 LSI 분야에 투자를 늘리고 또 시스템 LSI를 신성장동력으로 육성 할 계획을 밝힌 바 있다.

시장조사기관인 아이서플라이의 2011년 시스템 반도체 업계 예상치 자료에 따르면 르네사스는 4.5 프로의 시장점유율을 가진 3위 사업자이고 삼성전자는 3.9 프로의 시장점유율을 가지고 있는 4위 사업자이다.

또, 인텔은 2011년 23.2 프로의 시장점유율로 시스템 반도체 업계에서는 독보적인 1위 사업자이다. 반면 후지쓰는 1.3 프로의 시장점유율로 18위를 기록했고 파나소닉은 1.1프로의 시장점유율로 20위를 차지했다.

삼성전자 관계자는 이 같은 보도에 대해 “아직 일본 3개 업체들의 통합에 대해 확인 된 것이 없다”며 “삼성은 ‘마이웨이’를 고수할 것 이며 올해 시스템반도체 쪽에 더 많은 투자를 하여 더 높은 성장률을 기록하겠다”라고 하였다.


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