J.Lo, reported beau tweet that age doesn't matter

Published : Jan. 20, 2012 - 14:08

Hollywood superstar Jennifer Lopez, 42, and the 24-year-old back-up dancer reported as her new flame say age doesn't matter -- and they have proudly tweeted it.

In this June 7, 2011 photo, Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez attend the Samsung Hope for Children Gala in New York. The stars, who announced last summer they were ending their marriage after seven years, appeared on a stage Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. (AP)

The singer and actress, who has not confirmed a romance with Casper Smart, retweeted messages from him saying other people's views don't matter and that "our hearts are endless."

"We should all honor our time here by indulging our passion and dreams. So, close your ears and open your hearts; Love and be happy!" said one comment retweeted by J.Lo, who split with husband Marc Anthony last year.

"Our ages are mere reminders of the hours logged on this earth and the precious time remaining ... Age, status, n opinions of others are irrelevant ...Our hearts are endless and our souls infinite," added another Wednesday.

Media reports suggest the pair have been dating for three months. She would not be the first older superstar to take a younger lover, following in the footsteps of Madonna and Demi Moore.

The New York-born, Puerto Rican singer and "American Idol" talent judge announced her split from Anthony last July. The former couple are parents to 3-year-old twins Max and Emme, born in February 2008. (AFP)


제니퍼 로페즈, 18살 연하남과 교제 인정

미국 영화배우겸 가수 제니퍼 로페즈(42)와 18살 연하의 백댄서 남자친구가 나이차이는 문제가 되지 않는다는 내용의 트윗을 올리며 사실상 최초로 그들의 교제사실을 인정했다.

제니퍼의 새 연인 캐스퍼 스마트(24)는 SNS를 통해 "다른사람의 시선은 중요하지않다. 우리의 마음은 끝이 없고 영원하다."라는 글을 올렸고 로페즈는 그 글을 자신의 트위터에 그대로 올림으로서 관계를 공식화 했다.

스마트는 또 “우리는 누구나 자신이 품고 있는 열정과 꿈을 소중하게 여겨야 한다. 그러니 눈을 감고 가슴을 열어 사랑하고 행복하라!"라며 충고했다.

미국의 매체들은 로페즈가 스마트에게 매주 정기적으로 1만달러(한화 약 1,160만원)의 용돈을 지급한다고 보도한바 있다.

로페즈는 지난해 7월 마크 앤서니와 전격 이혼을 발표하며 7년간의 결혼생활에 종지부를 찍었다.



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