Do presidents really age faster than rest of us?

Published : Dec. 7, 2011 - 09:57

 CHICAGO (AP) — White House wannabes take note: Contrary to the idea that being president speeds up aging, a study shows that many U.S. commanders in chief have actually lived longer than their peers.

Using life expectancy data for men the same age as presidents on their inauguration days, the study found that 23 of 34 presidents who died of natural causes lived several years longer than expected.

President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks about the economy on Dec.6 at Osawatomie High School in Osawatomie, Kan. (AP)

The four former presidents still alive have already lived longer than predicted, or likely will because they're in good health, the study said.

"The graying of hair and wrinkling of the skin seen in presidents while they're in office are normal elements of human aging," said study author S. Jay Olshansky, a researcher on aging at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Stress can speed up those two outward signs of aging, and it's possible that job stress has made some presidents appear to age quickly. But the study shows that doesn't mean being doomed to an early grave.

"We don't actually know if they get more gray hair or more wrinkles" than other men their age. "But even if they did, we don't die of gray hair and wrinkles," Olshansky said.

Given that most of the 43 men who have served as president have been college-educated, wealthy and had access to the best doctors, their long lives are actually not that surprising, he said.

His study is published in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.

The idea that presidents age quickly comes from casual observation and more studious assessments. Promoters of that idea include Dr. Michael Roizen, chairman of Cleveland Clinic's Wellness Institute and co-founder of RealAge, Inc. The "real age" concept suggests that age depends partly on lifestyle factors including stress and diet that either keep people young or prematurely age them. Roizen theorizes that presidents age twice as fast while in office.

Roizen said Olshansky's study doesn't disprove that idea and only shows "that in order to run for president you tend to be incredibly healthy."

Olshansky stands by his findings.

The 34 presidents who died of natural causes were aged 73 on average at death, a few months less than Olshansky's' life expectancy estimate. But under the accelerated aging theory, their average age of death would have been 68, he said.

The 23 presidents who lived longer than Olshansky's projections died at an average age of 78, 11 years later than under the accelerated aging theory.

The four presidents who were assassinated — Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy — were aged 52 on average at death.

The first eight presidents were almost 80 years old on average when they died, at a time when the average life expectancy for men was less than age 35.

"It's absolutely extraordinary that they lived this long," Olshansky said.

That includes John Adams, who died at 90; James Madison, 85; and Thomas Jefferson, 83.

Ditto the last eight presidents who died — seven lived longer than expected; Lyndon Johnson was the only one who didn't. He died of a heart attack at age 64, 10 years less than his projected life expectancy and five years less than his life expectancy with accelerated aging, Olshansky said.

Among the more recent presidents, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford both died at 93. Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush are both 87.

Olshansky has even done some projecting about 50-year-old President Barack Obama. Given his age when inaugurated, Obama's life expectancy would be 79, but Olshansky estimates that Obama will live to at least 82 because of his education, wealth and access to top-notch health care.


대통령들 보통인보다 빨리 늙는다?

美학술논문..1~8대 대통령 수명 일반인 2배

대통령이 임기 중 업무 스트레스로 빨리 늙 는다는 `속설'은 사실이 아니라는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

미국 시카고 일리노이대 제이 오샨스키 교수는 미국의 역대 대통령 가운데 암살 되지 않은 고인 34명을 대상으로 `가속수명(accelerated aging)'을 감안한 평균  수 명을 조사한 결과 이같은 결론을 내렸다고 밝혔다.

가속수명이란 일정기간에 비정상적으로 빨리 늙는다는 가정 하에 하루마다 이틀 씩을 `추정 수명(estimated age)'에서 빼는 계산법으로, 4년 대통령 임기라면  수명 이 8년 줄어드는 셈이다.

이런 계산에 따라 분석한 결과 고령으로 자연사한 34명의 대통령 가운데 23명이 동시대의 일반인보다 더 오래 산 것으로 나타났다. 이들의 사망 당시 나이가 평균 7 8.0세로, 가속수명을 감안한 일반인의 추정 수명(67.0세)보다 11세나 더 많았기  때 문이다.

나머지 11명의 대통령은 평균 수명이 62.1세로, 가속수명을 감안한 일반인 수명 보다 5세 짧았던 것으로 조사됐다.

또 가속수명을 감안하지 않더라도 이들 대통령 34명의 평균 수명은 73.0세로, 일반인(73.3세)과 거의 같은 것으로 나타났다.

특히 조지 워싱턴 초대 대통령부터 마틴 밴 뷰런 제8대 대통령까지 8명의 전직 대통령의 평균 수명은 79.8세로 당시 일반인 평균 수명인 40세의 2배 수준에 달했다 고 오샨스키 교수는 설명했다.

그는 "과거에도 사회경제적 지위가 수명에 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다"면서 "전 직 대통령 가운데 대졸 이하 학력자는 10명에 불과했고 모두가 부자였으며, 모두 건 강보험 혜택을 받았다"고 말했다.

그는 버락 오바마 대통령이 취임후 흰머리가 늘었다는 지적에 대해서도 "흰머리 와 주름이 늘었다고 죽지는 않는다"고 덧붙였다.

에이브러햄 링컨, 존 F. 케네디 등 암살당한 4명의 대통령을 대상에서 제외한 오샨스키 교수의 이번 연구 결과는 7일(현지시간) 발간되는 미국 의학협회저널(JAMA )에 게재됐다.


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