Published : Aug. 18, 2011 - 10:35
OSLO (AFP) -- The gunman who confessed to the July 22 attacks in Norway had prepared a second bomb bigger than the one that exploded in Oslo's government district, public broadcaster NRK reported Wednesday.
Anders Behring Breivik , center left with red jumper, is led by police to the quayside to be taken by boat back to nearby Utoya island in central Norway. (AP-Yonhap News)
Quoting unnamed military sources, NRK said that the bomb discovered at the farm Anders Behring Breivik had rented, some 140 kilometers (85 miles) north of Oslo, weighed between 1.0 and 1.5 tons and was ready to use.
In comparison, the car-bomb he set off outside government offices in Oslo, killing eight people, weighed 950 kilograms (2,095 pounds), according to expert estimates.
Without giving any details on the size of the bomb, Norwegian police denied that they had found any explosive device that was "ready to deploy,” contradicting a key element of the television report.
Oslo police spokesman Roar Hanssen said on Twitter that: "A lot of modified fertiliser was found at the farm."
"However that is just one of many bomb components. Important elements were missing and it still needed a lot of work before that became a bomb able to be deployed," he said.
On July 27, police said they had found and destroyed explosives stored at the isolated farm, but did not provide any details on the quantity or what condition they were in when they were discovered.
Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old rightwing extremist who had been planning the attacks for years, had rented the farm several months before the July 22 carnage, officially to grow vegetables but most likely to have a reason to purchase chemical fertiliser without arousing suspicion.
According to a Norwegian agricultural cooperative, Behring Breivik received a delivery at the beginning of May of six tons of fertiliser, which may have been used to make the bombs.
After setting off his bomb in Oslo, the killer went on a shooting rampage on the nearby island of Utoeya, where the ruling Labor Party's youth wing was hosting a summer camp, killing 69 more people, many of them teenagers.
According to police, Behring Breivik has said during interrogations that he had "other targets" in mind that day, and media has reported that he had planned to attack the royal palace and the Labour Party headquarters.
Currently being held in preventive custody in a high-security prison near Oslo, Behring Breivik has confessed to the attacks and claims he acted alone.
"노르웨이 테러범 2차 폭탄테러 계획했다"
노르웨이 연쇄 테러범 아네르스 베링 브레이비크는 1차 테러보다 규모가 더 큰 제2의 폭탄테러를 계획했다고 공영방송 NRK가 17일(현지시간) 보도했다.
NRK는 익명의 군 소식통들을 인용해 브레이비크가 오슬로에서 북쪽으로 140km 떨어진 곳에서 임대한 농장에서 당장 사용할 수 있는 폭발물 1.0~1.5t을 발견했다고 전했다.
노르웨이 당국은 그러나 NRK의 이 같은 보도에 대한 사실 여부를 확인하지 않았다.
경찰은 이에 앞서 지난달 27일 격리된 한 농촌에서 폭발물을 찾아내어 처리했다 고 밝혔으나 폭발물의 양, 찾아낼 당시의 상황 등 자세한 내용에 대해서는 언급하지 않았다.
브레이비크가 오슬로 시내 정부청사 밖에서 차량폭탄 공격을 할 때 사용한 폭탄 은 950kg 정도로 전문가들은 추산한 바 있다. (연합뉴스)