Apple may have violated local laws

By 박한나
Published : July 15, 2011 - 17:15

Apple Inc. may have violated local laws when it tracked the whereabouts of iPhone users, which if found to be true could spell bigger trouble for the California-based company.

Sources close to the situation said tracking and storing information on the location of the users may have infringed on domestic laws on location information.

In Korea, it is illegal to collect information about the location of individuals or products without the users’ consent. 

White Apple Inc. iPhone4 mobile devices, on sale for the first time today, are arranged for a photograph in New York, U.S. (Bloomberg)

If Apple is found to be in fault at the August meeting of the Korea Communications Commission, Apple may face hefty fines or even a business suspension.

The reports came after officials from the commission and the Korea Internet Security Agency visited Apple’s U.S. headquarters earlier this month to look into whether Apple had violated any laws.

“A decision will be out when we meet for a general assembly next month,” a KCC official told the press on the condition of anonymity. 

A class action suit is pending against Apple here, with more than 16,000 people iPhone users signing on via a website set up by a lawyer at Miraero law firm who on Thursday pledged to lead the campaign. 

Just weeks before, the lawyer won a ruling from the Changwon District Court, which ordered Apple to pay him 1 million won ($925) for mismanaging the information it gathered through its tracking services.

KCC Chairman Choi See-joong earlier had hinted Apple may have violated local laws by tracking information even when the tracking switch was flipped off. Apple claimed that was due to a software bug.

So far, other investigations into Apple and Google, which has similar functions for Android-operated smartphones, showed that the firms did not “intentionally” collect user information.

Earlier this year, computer expert Alasdair Allan revealed that iPhone keeps track of where one goes and saves every detail of it in a secret file on the device, which is then copied to the owner’s computer when the two are synchronized. The data is collected regardless of whether or not users agree and is stored for up to a year, he claimed.
There are about 3 million Koreans who use iPhones.

By Kim Ji-hyun (jemmie@heraldcorp.com)

아이폰 집단소송 신청자 2만명 눈앞

애플사를 상대로 아이폰 위치정보 수집으로 사생활이 침해당했다며 위자료를 청구하는 집단소송에 소비자들의 관심이 뜨겁다.

법무법인 미래로는 15일 오후 4시 현재 아이폰 집단소송 인터넷 사이트(www.sue apple.co.kr)를 통해 1만6천600여명이 소송참가의 전 단계과정으로 인적사항을 등록 했다고 밝혔다.

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법무법인 미래로 소속 김형석(36) 변호사는 아이폰 위치정보 수집으로 정신적 피해를 봤다며 애플의 한국법인인 애플코리아를 상대로 법원에 위자료 신청을 해 지 난 6월말 100만원을 받아냈다.

이후 인터넷 홈페이지를 만들어 소송참가자를 모집하고 있다.

김 변호사는 아이폰 사용자들을 대상으로 소송 참가자를 모아 이달말 서울이나 창원지역 법원을 통해 1명당 100만원씩 위자료 청구소송을 낼 계획이다. (연합뉴스)



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