Teenager: Berlusconi gave me 7,000 euros

By 박한나
Published : Jan. 17, 2011 - 11:23
ROME (AP) ― A teenager at the heart of the latest criminal probe of Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi says the billionaire media mogul gave her 7,000 euros ($9,350) when she came to a Valentine’s Day soiree at his villa but reiterated that she didn’t have sex with him.

Milan prosecutors were investigating whether Berlusconi paid for sex with an underage girl from Morocco and then abused his power in trying to cover up the encounters.

Berlusconi has criticized the probe, calling the allegations “incredible and grotesque.”

The teenager, a nightclub dancer nicknamed Ruby, said Saturday in an interview on Sky TG24 TV that Berlusconi didn’t know she was a minor when she was invited to his villa near Milan last year “because I told everyone I was 24,” not 17.

Ruby (AP-Yonhap)

Asked why Berlusconi gave her the money at the first of several evening parties she said she attended at one of his villas outside Milan, Ruby replied, “because I had just arrived in Milan and he knew of my difficult family situation” and wanted to help.

As in other interviews Ruby has given, she reiterated that there was “absolutely no” sex between them.

Ruby, now 18, said that guests dined and danced at the parties and that Berlusconi “sang and told jokes.”

Prosecutors say they are investigating whether the premier had sex with the then-17-year-old girl and then used the powers of his office to try to cover up the encounter.

Prosecutors issued a summons Friday for Berlusconi and his lawyers to appear for questioning.

Berlusconi has been engulfed in several scandals stemming from his private life, including reports of wild parties at his mansions and alleged encounters with prostitutes. In one case, Patrizia D’Addario, a self-described call girl, said she spent the night with Berlusconi when Barack Obama was elected U.S president. She later gave purported tapes of her encounter with Berlusconi to an Italian magazine.

In 2009, his second wife, Veronica Lario, announced she was divorcing him, citing Berlusconi’s purported fondness for younger women. Berlusconi has made no apologies for his lifestyle, but has denied ever paying to have sex.


이탈리아 실비오 베를루스코니 총리와 성매매 스캔들이 난 나이트클럽 댄서 루비(18)가 베를루스코니 총리에게서 7천유로를 받았다고 주장하고 있어 이탈리아 검찰이 실비오 베를루스코니 총리의 미성년자 성매매 의혹 사건에 대한 수사에 착수했다.

이탈리아 검찰은 14일 베를루스코니 총리가 지난해 2월부터 5월 사이에 당시 미성년자이던 모로코 출신 나이트클럽 댄서 루비(18)와 성관계를 가진 혐의를 놓고 조사 중이라고 공식 발표했다.

베를루스코니 총리와 루비는 모두 성매매 혐의는 부인하고 있다. 루비는 한 방송과의 인터뷰에서 "밀라노에 있는 별장의 파티에 참석하는 대가로 7000유로(약 1000만원)를 받긴 했지만, 성관계는 없었다. 총리는 내가 미성년자인 줄도 몰랐다. 파티에서 나이를 24살로 소개했다"고 말했다.



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